
Dealing with a family matter and need legal advice? Attend our free virtual clinics on Wednesdays
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Allan McDougall Solicitors was proud to sponsor the Calton Weavers commemoration event on Sunday 22 September 2024
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In recent years, there has been a rising trend in the value of compensation awards being made to family members of victims of fatal accidents in Scotland.
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A recent prosecution brought into sharp focus the hazardous nature of working in farming.
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We know all too well the evidence that will be needed to prove the type of injury that has been sustained in an accident.
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Tom Campbell reflects on his time with the firm
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Alice Bowman looks at some of the key changes of importance to employees that Labour plans to make to employment law
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Eligible individuals are entitled to compensation for either or both physical and psychiatric injury as a result of a violent act.
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A recent case concerned a road traffic accident, where the pursuer and defender had different recollections of the circumstances.
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No one wants to think about being injured in a cycling accident. But it’s critical to know about your legal rights.
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A decision of the High Court provides a useful example of how the court will determine a worker's employment status
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To celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day, we asked some of our female lawyers to tell us about the women who inspired them to pursue a career as a lawyer.
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This article will consider the relevant law in circumstances where an employee has been dismissed for misconduct.
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This article will explain the various types of financial awards available in the event of a successful unfair dismissal claim.
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Stephen Irvine considers the judgment of the High Court in England and Wales in 2023 in one case.
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Separations can be challenging to navigate even at the best of times, but particularly when there are children involved.
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The recent scandal involving the wrongful prosecution of over 700 Postmasters and Postmistresses across the UK has dominated the media for the last few weeks
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Unite’s Glasgow East Women’s Aid members have started strike action following a major legal victory secured with Allan McDougall Solicitors’ help
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Winter weather increases the risk of accidents, so we all need to be more cautious when conditions change.
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Allan McDougall Solicitors has won two awards at The Herald Law Awards of Scotland 2023
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Vicarious liability is a principle under which an employer can be held liable to an employee injured by the negligent actions of another employee.
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Allan McDougall Solicitors has been named as a finalist in three award categories in The Herald Law Awards of Scotland 2023
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The boy has a permanent hearing loss in one ear following medical negligence.
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We are delighted that we have been recognised as an accredited Living Wage employer.
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A dispute which commonly arises between separated parents is whether their child or children should be allowed to go on holiday.
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Allan McDougall Solicitors has been successfully accredited as a No Zero Hours Employer by Zero Hours Justice
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Festivalgoers warned of the accident risks at festivals as Allan McDougall sees sharp increase in personal injury claims from festivals and events
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The UK Supreme Court has issued a judgement clarifying the correct legal test for establishing negligence by a doctor
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For some people a trip to the beautician does not always go as planned.
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The firm is a finalist in both the Litigation Team of the Year and Community Contribution Award categories.
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In the last twelve months, Allan McDougall Solicitors has recovered damages totalling tens of thousands of pounds for individuals who were injured in dog attacks in Scotland.
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That obligation of spouses and civil partners to support each other does not immediately disappear simply because the parties decide to separate
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A former marine has been awarded £700,000 for hearing loss and tinnitus caused by the MOD failing to provide suitable hearing protection
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While the advent of the virtual courtroom has some advantages, it has unfortunately resulted in far fewer opportunities for trainee solicitors to get into court
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Allan McDougall Solicitors is delighted to be supporting the Great May Day Cabaret on 1 May 2023, International Workers’ Day, at Òran Mór in Glasgow.
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Heather is a second-year trainee working in the personal injury team of Allan McDougall Solicitors. She is also involved in some employment law work.
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Michelle is currently a second-year trainee with Allan McDougall Solicitors working predominantly in the personal injury team
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A bottling plant worker has woncompensation of £45,594 for hearing loss and tinnitus
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Although the “Me too” movement was successful in exposing the veracity and prevalence of sexual harassment, unfortunately harassment is something women continue to experience.
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For decades, if not centuries, menopause was often an experience women battled through alone.
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On 8 March each year, people come together to celebrate the achievements of women and to campaign for a more equal world.
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Allan McDougall Solicitors has announced the promotion of Alice Bowman to Associate.
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Scotland is leading the way on justice for bereaved relatives
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The Health & Safety Executive has fined a building firm for an astonishing series of health and safety breaches.
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In this article we consider the definition of “belief” in light of recent case law.
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With the rise of trade union power has come yet another attack on working people, this time in the form of the “Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill”
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A recent case deals with the issue of Occupiers Liability and who was at fault for an accident on an unlit stair
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A clinical negligence case involving tragic circumstances was recently heard at The Court of Session in Edinburgh
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A recent case provides encouraging clarification of when it is safe to pursue an action for personal injury compensation without the fear of failing
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As 2022 drew to a close, we bid farewell to David Nicol on his retirement
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Our lawyers enjoyed taking part in the Lawscot Foundation’s Lawscot Challenge yesterday.
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Sometimes people can be put off pursuing an injury compensation claim as they think it will take too long.
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The pre-Christmas financial pressure felt by many gives insurers a chance to settle claims cheaply. It’s understandable that some people want to cut a quick deal.
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The aim of any claim is to put the injured person in the position they would have been in, had the injury not occurred.
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Allan McDougall Solicitors’ Alex Robertson recently acted for triathlon champion Shona Bathgate
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Allan McDougall Solicitors is up for two awards in The Herald Law Awards of Scotland 2022
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Allan McDougall Solicitors has announced the promotion of Gordon Milligan to Partner
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Our sponsorship adds to the charity’s ability to support aspiring solicitors from less-advantaged backgrounds.
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What happens if a passenger is injured while travelling on an international flight?
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We have an impressive track record of achieving excellent results for retired Unite members and their families
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Gordon Milligan, an associate with Allan McDougall, has been accredited as a specialist in personal injury law by the Law Society of Scotland.
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With UK temperatures set to exceed 40 degrees in the coming days, find out what your rights at work are during the heatwave
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Unite the Union members have free access to the trade union’s legal scheme, Unite Legal Services.
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Many other law firms now refer their clients to us through our Injury Compensation Alliance.
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Unite Legal Services provides members with full representation for all personal injury cases
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Contributory negligence means that any damages awarded will be reduced by such an extent as the court considers is “just and equitable”
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Appeal Court upholds finding in favour of worker who developed hearing loss and tinnitus due to fire alarm noise
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An update on our last article on unlawful inducements
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After an accident many people feel embarrassed and think it was their own fault. However, very often the law sees things quite differently.
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Illnesses that developed from the use of asbestos in the UK building industry can take decades to develop.
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How is matrimonial property divided “fairly”?
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In a new discussion paper, the Scottish Law Commission seeks views concerning reform of laws which have been enacted by legislation.
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During the course of the covid-19 pandemic, Allan McDougall Solicitors was delighted to strengthen both our personal injury and employment law teams.
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The Court of Session has recently considered the issue of time bar in the case of John Kelman v Moray Council.
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Starting as a mentor with the Lawscot Foundation programme, Julie Harris was matched with Sangeeta Kaur
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Sometimes relationships don’t work out as expected. Decision making in such situations can be difficult.
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If your employer tells you they’re “paying you off”, you should seek legal advice as soon as possible. Sometimes very little notice is given.
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Cases of hearing loss account for three quarters of occupational conditions and regularly a claim for damages can be pursued
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It is all too common that a cyclist is injured after being hit by another vehicle.
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Your employer’s duty to keep you safe goes further than many people realise.
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Did you know that there are strict time limits for claiming compensation if you are injured?
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If you are an innocent party in a road traffic accident, beware the danger of settling your injury compensation claim without proper legal advice.
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An unintended consequence arose recently in a case involving a liferent
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You may be able to make a criminal injuries compensation claim, even if you never found out who your assailant was
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A new scheme for survivors of historical child abuse in care in Scotland to apply for financial redress is now open for applications.
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The judgement in a recent English High Court case deals with the duty of care owed to self-employed workers.
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Our partnership with Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) saw ussponsor the SDS Junior Swim Championships in Glasgow on 24 November
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Allan McDougall Solicitors has won the Litigation Team of the Year award in the coveted Herald Law Awards of Scotland 2021
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The term “no win, no fee” is often banded about in some advertisements as though it were some magic, free service
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The Supreme Court has considered the interpretation of “unlawful inducements” for the first time
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If you are ever in the situation where your child has been injured, it may not be immediately clear to you who is at fault.
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Suspicions or indeed proof of infidelity can often give rise to questions and disputes about the paternity of a child
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The rise in dog ownership in the UK has also seen a corresponding and worrying rise in dog bites and attacks
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Allan McDougall Solicitors has been shortlisted in the Claimant Team of the Year category in the UK-wide Personal Injury Awards 2021
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We are delighted that since January 2020 until September 2021 our average satisfaction score from clients has been a remarkably high 96%
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Allan McDougall Solicitors has agreed an exciting partnership with Edinburgh’s Holy Rood RC High School
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Our partnership with Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) saw Allan McDougall sponsoring the SDS National Senior Athletics Championships on 15 September.
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With the Government allowing all businesses premises to re-open, your employer should be thinking about how to return you to the workplace
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Allan McDougall Solicitors has been shortlisted twice in the Scottish Legal Awards 2021
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Provisional data released earlier this month by the HSE shows that a total of 142 workers were killed at work in Great Britain in 2020/21
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Bicycle Film Festival returns to Edinburgh for virtual 20th anniversary tour
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Allan McDougall Solicitors’ team successfully completed Boogie in the Morning's 5k-a-Day last month
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Damage to hearing caused by exposure to noise normally occurs over many years. However, the timeframe was short in a recent case
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A recent case has shown that employers must train staff to recognise and react appropriately to changing risks
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Allan McDougall's client is awarded damages of £11,250
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New rules in relation to legal costs will apply to court proceedings that commence on or after June 30
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If you have been injured as a result of a doctor or other medical practitioner’s mistake or error, then you may be entitled to claim compensation.
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"Redress Scotland" is a body which will consider applications for redress payments for those abused in care
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One of our clients received compensation of £20,000 as a result of having been exposed to excessive levels of dust.
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Alice Bowman joins our Employment Law team
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After the death of a loved one, we are often asked by families about the scope for a compensation claim.
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After an accident, many people think it was their own fault, and that they cannot claim compensation. But think again...
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Edinburgh Festival of Cycling is hosting this year’s Bicycle Film Festival
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Your employer has a legal duty to take reasonable care to protect you from harm at any time. So - what is PPE?
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Who is responsible if you are involved in an accident while working from home?
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Nightclub liable to pay damages to injured woman for failing to install anti-slip flooring
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Got any questions you'd like to ask about settlement agreements?
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Allan McDougall are pleased to report that the Court of Session in Edinburgh issued a written decision in our client’s favour.
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The roads are getting busier again and there are concerns for cycle safety
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Unite Scotland has announced that their members who are former employees of Jamie’s Italian have won their employment tribunal case
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Experiences of an Instructing Solicitor
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The first trials of e-scooter rental are due to begin later this month
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There are a number of hazards on our roads, which cyclists need to be careful of.
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In lockdown, people hold off doing many things - but seeking advice in relation to a possible injury claim shouldn’t be one of them.
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What impact will COVID-19 have on matrimonial asset values, and is it sensible to settle your matrimonial negotiations now?
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As lockdown starts to ease, we look back at some of the happier images and artwork from our team’s children from the last 10 weeks.
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We warmly welcome the Guidance issued today by The All Scotland Sheriff Personal Injury Court during the COVID-19 pandemic
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If you have suffered an injury, you may wonder whether you can still make a claim against a business that has ceased trading
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What should be included in a prenuptial agreement?
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A good example of how a claim can be successful through the use of the often neglected doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitor.
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An update on the current restrictions on Family Court proceedings imposed as a result of the COVID-19 emergency.
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Many people are unaware that "common law marriage" is a concept that has been abolished in Scotland now for many years
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“Personal injury law” is quite a general term, isn’t it? In fact it covers a wide variety of types of cases
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“Is what I’m doing part of my job?” A simple question which, in most situations, has a simple answer. But not always.
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Seeking support from a qualified legal professional is the best way to receive the most honest and up-to-date advice
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If you find yourself in a situation where your employer tells you they are “paying you off”, you should seek advice as soon as possible
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Allan McDougall Solicitors have joined Instagram!
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Thank you so much to all the NHS and many other workers looking after everyone so well during these challenging times
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We are now a number of weeks into the crisis caused by Covid-19 and facing week 4 of lockdown.
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Did you know that in Scotland more asbestos compensation can be claimed than is possible in England and Wales?
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What happens about court orders that were granted regulating the arrangements for the care of children?
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During this strange time our spirits have been lifted by all the lovely messages of care and support
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We are doing our utmost to ensure we maintain our service to clients throughout this difficult period.
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Allan McDougall Solicitors welcome applications for traineeships commencing Autumn 2020.
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We would like to update you on the steps Allan McDougall is taking to reduce the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
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Those of us who have dealt with cases involving mesothelioma, caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibres, know just what a horrific condition it is.
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A passenger who sued a coach company after breaking her ankle on one of its buses has been awarded more than £16,000
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An examination of the law of vicarious liability following two court decisions now known as “the Christmas party cases”
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A ruling by Sheriff McGowan in a recent case in the All Scotland Sheriff Personal Injury Court limited the extent to which psychiatric injury is compensated after an accident.
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A recent case in the All-Scotland Sheriff Personal Injury Court has reinforced the importance of workplace risk assessments.
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We often hear from clients who are suffering from workplace stress and who want advice about what they and their employers can do
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Sean White comments on the issue of sanction for counsel in a hearing before Sheriff Liddle.
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A woman who sustained serious injuries in a slipping accident at a shopping centre is awarded £41,000.
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While Edinburgh's trams have made travelling around the city much easier for many, some people have suffered tram-related accidents
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What happens if you suffer an injury as a result of a botched beauty treatment or procedure?
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Every year thousands of people holidaying or travelling on business abroad are injured in accidents or become ill, through no fault of their own.
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Allan McDougall Solicitors has appointed Scottish Disability Sport as its charity partner for 2019/2020.
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A former Royal Marine has been awarded over £500,000 compensation after serving in Afghanistan left him with noise-induced hearing problems.
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New legislation will bring substantial increases in compensation amounts in the most serious personal injury cases
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Potholes are an increasing problem on Scottish roads and pavements, putting many at risk of injury.
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Allan McDougall has further strengthened its personal injury team with the appointment of Stephen Irvine as partner
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Allan McDougall Solicitors won the Litigation Team of the Year award in the Scottish Legal Awards 2019 at an awards ceremony in Glasgow last night.
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We're proud to be celebrating International Women's Day 2019.
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If your employer requires that you work on Sundays, which is a violation of your religious beliefs, could this amount to discrimination?
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Who is responsible if you are involved in an accident while working from home?
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A motorcyclist who was involved in a serious road traffic collision on the A82 has been awarded damages
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Allan McDougall Solicitors has been shortlisted for the Litigation Team of the Year award in the Scottish Legal Awards 2019.
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Allan McDougall’s personal injury team won Litigation Team of the Year in the Law Awards of Scotland 2018 at a glittering ceremony last night.
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Gordon Milligan writes about Repetitive Strain Injury, or RSI.
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Vibration White Finger, or Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome, is an industrial injury triggered by regular use of vibrating hand-held machinery.
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If you’ve suffered an accident at work which wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to compensation.
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Allan McDougall Solicitors’ personal injury team has been shortlisted in the Litigation Team of the Year category in the Law Awards of Scotland 2018.
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We see many clients with back strains and other complaints as a result of a poor desk set up.
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Allan McDougall Solicitors has promoted Gordon Milligan to the position of Associate
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Lots of delicious home-baked cakes and savouries at our staff Blooming Great Tea Party to raise funds for Marie Curie Hospice
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As lawyers to Britain’s biggest trade union, Unite, Allan McDougall frequently deal with trips, slips and falls in the premises of employers.
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On 22 September 2018, our Scottish specialist Personal Injury Court will be three years old.
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Haddington Rugby U16 team all ready to play Berwickshire Schools in this week’s Cup match
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Here is just some of the great feedback we have received from clients over the past few months
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Julie Harris has become a mentor on the Lawscot Foundation programme.
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Allan McDougall Solicitors would like to pay tribute to Lord Mackay of Drumadoon, who has sadly passed away at age 72.
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When the Act came into force in 2017, the 3-year time limit in which abuse victims could pursue a damages claim was lifted.
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It’s Injury Prevention Day today, and the focus this year is on avoiding needless injuries by ensuring vehicle head restraints are properly adjusted.
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Patients today can expect a more active and informed role in treatment decisions than in the past.
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If you have had an accident which is someone else’s fault, it is important to be aware that there are time limits for claiming for compensation.
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It is estimated there are around nine million pet dogs in the UK. But what remedy do you have if you are bitten by someone else’s dog?
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Allan McDougall Solicitors are delighted to be the main sponsor of the Knox Sports Awards 2018.
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A new Bill passed by the Scottish Government on 1 May is set to bring about a number of positive changes in relation to access to justice.
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As the number of potholes and other road defects increase, so too does the risk of injury to road users and pedestrians.
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Industrial deafness is currently the most common 'occupational disease', accounting for around 75% of all occupational disease claims.
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Every year in the UK several thousand people are diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease
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Even if you are partially to blame for an accident, you may still be able to receive compensation
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If you're thinking about claiming compensation for an accident, you might well be confused by the adverts on TV, radio and elsewhere about the best way to proceed.
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In the winter months, bad weather can cause hazards in many activities that are part of our daily life.
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A fatal industrial accident and recently released HSE statistics serve to remind us that work can be dangerous.
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Allan McDougall Solicitors is delighted to be supporting The WS Society’s upcoming event, The Cycling Podcast for A Journey Through the Cycling Year.
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Allan McDougall Solicitors has been shortlisted in both the Litigation Team of the Year and Excellence in Client Care categories in the Scottish Legal Awards 2018.
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The last thing any new or seasoned gym enthusiast expects to happen is to suffer an injury whilst at the gym.
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Falls from height are one of the most common causes of workplace fatalities and major injuries.
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Allan McDougall Solicitors’ heritage dates back over 90 years to the beginning of the last century.
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Achieving a reduction in cycling accidents would seem to be a commendable aspiration.
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The aim of any personal injury claim is to put the injured person in the position they would have been in, had the injury not occurred.
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In January, U2 frontman Bono was involved in a cycling accident in New York, and reportedly, may never play guitar again.
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What our clients say

  • I was very satisfied with the way my case in respect of asbestos exposure was conducted by Caitlin Souter.
  • Delighted by the professionalism of Sean White and team. Thank you all.
  • Your advice and knowledge were a great help during a stressful time.
  • I was very pleased with the service I received from Allan McDougall. My case was handled by Gordon Milligan who did an excellent job. Thank you to all the staff involved in my case.

Call free: 0808 560 0872

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