
Appeal Court finding regarding hearing loss and tinnitus

Appeal Court upholds finding in favour of worker who developed hearing loss and tinnitus due to fire alarm noise
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Collective bargaining and unlawful inducements update

An update on our last article on unlawful inducements
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Was your accident at work really your own fault?

After an accident many people feel embarrassed and think it was their own fault. However, very often the law sees things quite differently.
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Do you have an asbestos related condition and think you can’t claim?

Illnesses that developed from the use of asbestos in the UK building industry can take decades to develop.
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Matrimonial Property: Special Circumstances and Source of Funds

How is matrimonial property divided “fairly”?
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Does personal injury legislation reflect changes in society?

In a new discussion paper, the Scottish Law Commission seeks views concerning reform of laws which have been enacted by legislation.
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A quartet of new starts for Allan McDougall Solicitors

During the course of the covid-19 pandemic, Allan McDougall Solicitors was delighted to strengthen both our personal injury and employment law teams.
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Court of Session re-visits time bar in asbestos case

The Court of Session has recently considered the issue of time bar in the case of John Kelman v Moray Council.
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What it’s like to be a Lawscot mentor and mentee

Starting as a mentor with the Lawscot Foundation programme, Julie Harris was matched with Sangeeta Kaur
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My relationship has broken down – what do I do now?

Sometimes relationships don’t work out as expected. Decision making in such situations can be difficult.
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Is your employer “paying you off”?

If your employer tells you they’re “paying you off”, you should seek legal advice as soon as possible. Sometimes very little notice is given.
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Has my work damaged my hearing?

Cases of hearing loss account for three quarters of occupational conditions and regularly a claim for damages can be pursued
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