
Labour’s employment law plans

Alice Bowman looks at some of the key changes of importance to employees that Labour plans to make to employment law
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Can I claim compensation for a criminal injury?

Eligible individuals are entitled to compensation for either or both physical and psychiatric injury as a result of a violent act.
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Welcome direction from Sheriff Appeal Court on Qualified One-Way Costs Shifting

A recent case concerned a road traffic accident, where the pursuer and defender had different recollections of the circumstances.
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Free talk: Cycling accidents and the law

No one wants to think about being injured in a cycling accident. But it’s critical to know about your legal rights.
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Determining true employment status and the importance of workplace risk assessments

A decision of the High Court provides a useful example of how the court will determine a worker's employment status
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Inspirational women on International Women’s Day 2024

To celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day, we asked some of our female lawyers to tell us about the women who inspired them to pursue a career as a lawyer.
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Dismissed for misconduct: the law and your rights

This article will consider the relevant law in circumstances where an employee has been dismissed for misconduct.
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Unfair dismissal: financial remedies and reductions

This article will explain the various types of financial awards available in the event of a successful unfair dismissal claim.
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Road traffic accidents: who’s at fault?

Stephen Irvine considers the judgment of the High Court in England and Wales in 2023 in one case.
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Child disputes and emergency orders

Separations can be challenging to navigate even at the best of times, but particularly when there are children involved.
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Constitution(al) matters

The recent scandal involving the wrongful prosecution of over 700 Postmasters and Postmistresses across the UK has dominated the media for the last few weeks
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Allan McDougall Solicitors help secure major legal victory for Unite members

Unite’s Glasgow East Women’s Aid members have started strike action following a major legal victory secured with Allan McDougall Solicitors’ help
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