
Bereavement damages

Scotland is leading the way on justice for bereaved relatives
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Fine for building firm highlights importance of regulations

The Health & Safety Executive has fined a building firm for an astonishing series of health and safety breaches.
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Discrimination based on “Protected Belief”

In this article we consider the definition of “belief” in light of recent case law.
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Successful action for damages relating to fall on unlit stairs

A recent case deals with the issue of Occupiers Liability and who was at fault for an accident on an unlit stair
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The right to strike under attack?

With the rise of trade union power has come yet another attack on working people, this time in the form of the “Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill”
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Reassuring clarification for potential personal injury compensation claimants

A recent case provides encouraging clarification of when it is safe to pursue an action for personal injury compensation without the fear of failing
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Family of suicide victim successfully sues health board for negligence

A clinical negligence case involving tragic circumstances was recently heard at The Court of Session in Edinburgh
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David Nicol retires from Allan McDougall Solicitors

As 2022 drew to a close, we bid farewell to David Nicol on his retirement
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Lawscot Foundation students excel in Lawscot Challenge

Our lawyers enjoyed taking part in the Lawscot Foundation’s Lawscot Challenge yesterday.
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How long does it take to pursue an injury compensation claim?

Sometimes people can be put off pursuing an injury compensation claim as they think it will take too long.
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A compensation offer is for life, not just for Christmas

The pre-Christmas financial pressure felt by many gives insurers a chance to settle claims cheaply. It’s understandable that some people want to cut a quick deal.
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How is a personal injury claim valued?

The aim of any claim is to put the injured person in the position they would have been in, had the injury not occurred.
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