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Personal Injury compensation claims

Our highly regarded, experienced and trusted team of specialist lawyers handles over 800 personal injury claims every year. Whether it is workplace accidents (including fatal accidents and catastrophic claims), work-related diseases, road traffic accidents, medical negligence or other public liability claims, we are here to help.

£7,000 compensation has been awarded to a client whose knee was injured after he fell through a gap in cylindrical rollers.

A client whose head was cut due to a screw sticking out of the syphonic drainage system has been awarded £3,500 damages. More than the initial offer.

£8,500 compensation has been awarded to a Unite worker who suffered Hand/Arm Vibration syndrome. More than the initial offer.

A client who suffered a hamstring injury caused by pulling a large bin up a flight of stairs has been awarded £4,250 damages. More than the initial offer.

A client suffered eye irritation after using chemicals at work. He has been awarded £1,300 damages. More than the initial offer.

£10,450 compensation has been awarded to a Unite member who suffered soft tissue injuries in a road traffic accident.

A client working as a vehicle washer fell on an icy day, striking the back of his head as he landed on the ground, and was rendered unconscious. He has been awarded £3,200 damages. Over three times more than the initial offer.

A Unite Scotland member who suffered asbestos-related pleural plaques has been awarded £5,945 damages. More than the initial offer.

£3,500 compensation has been awarded to a client who was assaulted by a co-worker. More than the initial offer.

A Unite Scotland member who was injured when he slipped on water at work has been awarded £3,500 damages. More than the initial offer.

£8,613 compensation has been awarded to a client who injured his back when he fell at work. More than the initial offer.

£3,000 compensation has been awarded to a client who suffered abrasions and bruising when he fell at work.

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