Steven Blacklaws

Steven is a paralegal working within Allan McDougall Solicitors’ personal injury team. He has been with the firm since late 2016. 

What Steven enjoys most about his role is the fact that every day is different. The varied work and fast-paced environment make for a very interesting day!


Steven is accredited by the Law Society of Scotland as a paralegal. 

Outside Work

Steven’s most memorable extra-curricular activity while with the firm was when, despite his fear of heights, he and some his colleagues abseiled down the Forth Rail Bridge in order to raise money for charity. He says it was one of the most exciting, yet at the same time terrifying, experiences of his life.

Articles by Steven Blacklaws
- Free talk: Cycling accidents and the law

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Steven Blacklaws
Law Society of Scotland Accredited Paralegal

What our clients say

  • I would like to thanks David Harris and Steven Blacklaws for their help and making the process worry free for myself.
  • Dealt with very professionally by David Harris, Stephen Irvine and Steven Blacklaws and the outcome was good, I m very happy &definitely would deal with you again. Thankyou For All Your Help in this Matter
  • David Harris and Steven Blacklaws have worked so hard to ensure that my employers accepted responsibility for my injury and compensated me accordingly. I can not thank them both enough for all their help, kindness and empathy towards me during the darkest moments of my life.

What our clients say

  • I would like to thanks David Harris and Steven Blacklaws for their help and making the process worry free for myself.
  • Dealt with very professionally by David Harris, Stephen Irvine and Steven Blacklaws and the outcome was good, I m very happy &definitely would deal with you again. Thankyou For All Your Help in this Matter
  • David Harris and Steven Blacklaws have worked so hard to ensure that my employers accepted responsibility for my injury and compensated me accordingly. I can not thank them both enough for all their help, kindness and empathy towards me during the darkest moments of my life.

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